
by | Sep 16, 2010 | Notes while surfing

This is a site I’d heard about before, but really had no need for it nor did I want others to have the ability to access my computer. Now that my parents-in-law have bit the bullet and gotten a computer, I have found out the need to be able to see their computer when they call. Being able to move the mouse is a major accomplishment for them, so to say the least they are in need of a lot assistance. The only problem right now, is I’ll have to go down there and install the logmein software before I can test it out. So stay tuned.
Note: I did install it on my laptop. I had one tiny glitch. I’d forgotten to turn off norton’s firewall and the first install failed. Once I’d given the permission to open a port on the network (sorry I didn’t write down which one), I tried again to install and it went well.
Check out logmein.com (its free unless you want more features).