I'm saddened by the news today that five children paid someone to take the SATs for them and as a result they could face serious time.“Colleges look for the best and brightest students, yet these six defendants tried to cheat the system and may have kept honest and...
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Surfing to Improve Your Brain
Image by TZA via Flickr Ready to exercise your brain cells? If recent news reports are accurate, I'd say the answer is yes. Apparently, millions of people are taking advantage of free classes online. According to Apple, its online store's educational section has hit...
Teacher Oz is A Tribute To Educators
Image via WikipediaAnyone interested in history or is a student of history will appreciate this fantastic website called Teacher Oz's Kingdom of History. What drew me in was a link to Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire." In it, an educator from Texas named Tracey...