Online Communities

What responsibility do we have to our followers?

This past week, I've gotten quite a few (hundreds actually) new followers on Twitter and Google+. What's going on? Does this have anything to do with the new changes on Facebook? Do people hate it that much? Or, does it have anything to do with Farmville changes? It's...

How to create an online community that will survive

My genealogical community, Heycuz, has been around since 1998. That's way back when you had to use a telephone to get online. Today, there are between 900 and 1500 people on it right now. I mean this very second. You can check by the "Who's Online" widget on the front...

Guido the Geek Performs Hit on Twitter?

Image via WikipediaWhen White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs admitted his Twitter account had been compromised, a host of feelings popped up for me. Having had one of my websites hacked a while back, I thought well if a site as huge as Twitter could have left its...

Guido the Geek Performs Hit on Twitter?

Image via WikipediaWhen White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs admitted his Twitter account had been compromised, a host of feelings popped up for me. Having had one of my websites hacked a while back, I thought well if a site as huge as Twitter could have left its...

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